Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Week 3

The last two days at school the 8th grade students have been taking midterm. Yesterday they took the World Language/Reading midterm and today they took the Math midterm. During the time they were not testing we watched a movie called October Sky. This is a movie I have seen multiple times in the past and I really enjoy it. The students seemed to enjoy it as well as they laughed at many different parts. The movie follows the true events of the "Rocket Boys," including the main character Homer Hickam, Jr. After the launch of Sputnik 1 by the Russians, Homer becomes interested in rocketry and eventually some friends join him in creating and launching their own rockets. Homer Hickam is a real person that eventually went on to work at NASA as an engineer and helped train astronauts.

My "ah-ha" moment came today as the movie was ending and I realized that earlier in the day I had read a headline in a newspaper that today is the 28th anniversary of the Challenger disaster. I thought to myself "wow, this is really ironic." Now I can't say that I remember when this happened (I was in my mother's womb) but I did grow up knowing and learning all about it. This event is especially infamous in the school I work at in Bow because it is a community of Concord, where Christa McAuliffe taught Social Studies at Concord High School. I still can't believe this coincidence but what stands out the most to me is this connection that I made. That is what school is really all about. When students make connections between one thing and another, they have their own "ah-ha" moment. I hope that when I become a teacher I can assist many students in having many "ah-ha" moments.

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